There are two CBTA levels; restricted (learner licence holders) and full (restricted licence holders). Passing each assessment can reduce the amount of time it takes you to progress to the next stage of your motorcycle licence. 1 hour Training sessions, and CBTA Pre Test Check Rides are available. Training via Ride Forever Bronze and Silver courses is highly recommended.


CBTA assessments include:

  • Pre-ride checks - your licence, LAMS motorcycle pre-ride safety check, protective riding gear
  • Set you up with communications equipment to receive instructions during the assessment
  • Pre-ride instructions
  • Ride the assessment following all Road Code rules
  • Debrief and feedback
  • Issued a certificate if successful (which you use to apply at a driver licence agency for the next stage of your licence, with no further testing required)

CBTA time reductions: The learner stage has no minimum time period you need to hold your learner licence, but you must be at least 16.5 years old to apply for your restricted licence. The restricted stage reduces the time you need to hold your restricted licence, from 18 months to 12 months. You can complete your CBTA full assessment when you have held your restricted licence for at least 9 months. When you have successfully passed your assessment, you can apply for your full licence once you have held your restricted licence for at least 12 months. Riders must progress through each motorcycle licence stage: from learner to restricted to full.

Recommended process:

1. Book a training course

Roadsafe highly recommend you complete training before attempting your CBTA assessment ride. 'Feeling confident' riding on the road is not usually enough for you to be able to pass the test!!! Our highly subsidised Ride Forever Bronze and Silver level courses, include information on the test criteria and the standard required to pass the CBTA restricted and full licence assessments.

2. Practise and become consistent

When you have completed your Bronze or Silver course, we recommend that you practise your new skills with the information and feedback received from the course, making sure you are competent and consistent towards the test standard, before booking your CBTA assessment with Roadsafe. Please do not underestimate the effort you will need to apply here!!! Training courses (Bronze/Silver) and CBTA assessments are undertaken at separate times, not on the same day. 

3. Book a 1 Hour Training session and/or CBTA Pre Test Check Ride + CBTA assessment

Roadsafe offer riders an optional 1 Hour Training session(s), run one on one, providing an evaluation of your riding, and specific training towards your licence test. This is run separately to your CBTA assessment.

We also recommend our CBTA Pre Test Check Ride, which is run one on one for an hour immediately prior to your CBTA assessment, offering specific feedback regarding the CBTA assessment criteria (like a mock test). This allows you to start your CBTA assessment already warmed up, and with reduced anxiety, as you are aware of any areas for improvement. Explanations and any questions regarding the assessment can be answered, and any concerns can be addressed, to give you the best possible outcome. 

Licence Process

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Roadsafe's 1 Hour Training session is one on one, covering a variety of roads and traffic situations. Riders are provided with real time feedback on their riding for the purpose of a refresher, to boost confidence, or for riders preparing for their licence test/assessment.

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